Task Teams

As an outlined role, the IOOC establishes and oversees task teams on topics in need of interagency collaboration within the scope of ocean observations. IOOC Task Teams harness the knowledge of multiple agency representatives allowing for increased understanding and visibility to address important scientific and technological challenges. The teams are composed of three or more agencies and are required to develop a budget and timeline for deliverables. This advance planning enables groups to successfully accomplish a set of objectives in a timely manner with staff and resources provided by the IOOC. 

Biology - Integrating Core to Essential Variables (Bio-ICE) Task Team

The goal of the Bio-ICE task team is to advance the integration of biological observations from local, regional and federal sources using best practices to inform national needs and ultimately feed seamlessly into the Global Ocean Observing System, as appropriate.

Metrics for Ocean Observing Systems (MOOS) Task Team

The purpose for developing a set of ocean observing metrics for the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) include characterizing the scope and nature of IOOS and gauging progress toward achieving established goals. 

Glider Task Team

The primary goals of the IOOC Glider Task Team were to enable increased engagement with the glider community and to advance the coordinated use of glider observing systems to meet global, national, and regional sub-surface observing requirements.

Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) Task Team

Following the first task team, the ATN Workshop Task Team was established to determine executable next steps for strengthening the network by analyzing outcomes from the federal ATN survey and convening a workshop of both federal and non-federal ATN experts. 

Biological Integration and Observational (BIO) Task Team

The goal of this IOOC task team is to advance the integration of biological observations from local, regional and federal sources using best practices to inform national needs and ultimately feed seamlessly into the Global Ocean Observing System, as appropriate.

IOOS Modeling Task Team

To address the challenges and recommendations from the IOOS Modeling and Analysis Workshop (2008), an IOOS Modeling Task Team was established by the IOOC.